Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Chocolate Smartie Flapjacks!

Hey Guys!

Hope you have had a good week and that you are not to stressed out and that you are keeping healthy skin (see what I did there!) This week I decided that I hadn't done a baking post for quite a while, however I wasn't quite sure what to bake. So I took to Tanya Burr's 'Love Tanya' book for inspiration. I wanted something fairly quick and easy, so I found the 'Smarties Flapjacks', however I have added something extra as you might be able to tell by the name of my post. So here is how to make Chocolate Smartie Flapjacks...

For these Flapjacks you will need:

  • 125g Butter
  • 125g Sugar
  • 6 tablespoons of Golden Syrup
  • 250g Porridge Oats
  • A tube of Smarties
  • Some form of Chocolate to melt (I used Chocolate Coins leftover from Christmas!)

Step 1 - Preheat you oven to 180oC. 

Step 2 - Melt the butter in a medium pan over a low heat. Add the golden syrup and sugar to the butter and heat gently.

Step 3 - Once the sugar is dissolved and the butter is melted, remove the pan from the heat and stir in the porridge oats and smarties. (I crushed the smarties, however you can put them in whole.)

Step 4 - Put the flapjack mixture into a baking tin and squash down. 

Step 5 - Bake in the oven for 20 minutes and once out, leave to cool.

Step 6 - Once cooled, cut into squares and leave them to set and cool.

Step 7 - Melt some chocolate in the microwave until it is runny. Use the end of a spoon to drizzle this over the pieces that you have cut. 

Step 8 - Crush up the last of the smarties and sprinkle them over the top of the melted chocolate that is on the pieces of flapjack. 

You have finished your flapjacks!

Hope that you enjoy making them. Leave down in the comments if you tried them or recommended them!

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Tips to having Healthy Skin

Hey Guys!

It seems to be getting quite cold so I thought looking after your skin can be a massive issue when it's cols. Even I struggle to be bothered with moisturising or drinking water, but all these can mean that you keep healthy skin hydrated and looked-after.

1) Drinking lots of water

I know that this can sound quite obvious, but actually drinking a lot of water can help your skin as well as your head. Firstly, it won't give you headaches, but it also keeps you hydrated and fresh. One of my new years resolutions is to actually drink more water, as I always get headaches or have bad skin, but am just forgetting to drink. The troubles of being a girl! Try to drink up to 2 litres, but if that is too much, try 1 to start with. 

2) Using lukewarm water

Although people like to shower in hot water or have boiling hot baths, apparently lukewarm water is much better for you. This is because it doesn't take all the helpful oils away that are sometimes needed, keeping your skin just with the oils you need. Try to balance out the heat with a mix of hot and cold to even it up a little.  

3) Cleansing and Moisturising

A great way to keep your skin clean is to use a cleanser or exfoliater to get rid of any dead skin cells and to keep your skin clean and refreshed. I am using Clean and Clear Exfoliating Daily Wash and Dual Action Moisturiser. It is free from oil and helps get rid of anything nasty, and refreshes the skin. Try using it once in the morning and the evening to make sure it is helping. 

4) Get lots of sleep

The most important thing for your skin is that it gets the rest it needs. For a teenager, they should be getting 8-10 hours to feel fresh and awake, as well as to let your skin have a rest and be free. Although people don't always like sleeping, it can actually be really good for you. Try setting yourself a challenge to sleep for longer than usual or go to sleep earlier! A nice comfy bed might help too...

Enjoy your week, and let me know if any of these help and f there are any posts you want me to do.

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

5 Ways to De-Stress

Hey Guys!

It can definitely get a bit stressful after the first week back at school and when everything suddenly just starts to happen again! With loads of homework and rehearsals on top of everything else, just a little bit of time to yourself can be something you really need. So here are 5 ways in which you can de-stress yourselves and have a bit of ME time...

1) Listening to Music

Listening to music can be a great way to get rid of anything that is on your mind, but can also help you move a lot quicker when doing homework. 

Sometimes going on to Spotify and going through their genres is a great idea, depending what mood you are in. A 'Focus' playlist is quite a good idea as there are lots of different playlists, all of which are not upbeat, but quite calming. 

2) Reading a Book

Reading a book can help you get away from everything and put your mind in to something completely different.

At the moment, I am slowly but surely getting through 'All the Bright Places' by Jennifer Niven. So far, it is a great book and really captures the audience, but you really have to put your mind to it. Although I read quite slowly, I am still able to engage in the book and de-stress.

3) Having a Lush Bath

A Lush bath is a great way to calm down and help your skin. 

By swirling around a reusable bubble bar, you are able to create lots of bubbles that are soft and kind to your skin. These bubbles also help you to relax and just have a bit of time to yourself.

4) Watching YouTube

Watching YouTube can help you to relax as any youtuber is sure to have a little video to keep you going.

Zoella is a personal favourite of mine, and does some great videos that are calming and interesting. Her personality is just so great! However other youtubers are still as good. 

5) Colouring

Bringing out colouring pencils and a colouring book can be a great way to de-stress 
instead of sitting in front of a screen!

Recently, the craze for these has been amazing! So I bought an issue of 'Relax With Art'. Although it requires quite a bit of concentration, it is still a great way to sit and have some fun.

I hope some of these ideas will help and that you have a great. de-stressful week!

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x

Monday, 4 January 2016

Things I Am Thankful For

Hey Guys!

Happy New Year! I can't believe that two days ago it had been 5 months since started this blog, and I never actually thought I would get this far! But today I thought that I would share with you what I am thankful for in 2015, and what you can do in 2016, to be even more thankful. I haven't really included random things as I wanted this to be a short, correct list. So here it is...

I hope that you can relate to some of these things, and that some of these things you really are thankful for. If you find it hard to remember what you are thankful for or any memories you have, a good idea is to create a memory jar each year. This works by placing any memories you have into the jar that make you happy, or anything that you are thankful for. The choice is up to you. I have never actually made one before, but this year I have decided I am going to, and if this blog is still going at the end of the year, maybe I will share what's in it.

To make a memory jar you will need:
  • A form of jar,
  • Pieces of paper, any colour,
  • A pen,
  • Some Sharpies and 
  • Highlighters.

All you really have to do is decorate the jar if you want to, however that is entirely up to you. Maybe you want to put a label on it and decorate that, or perhaps decorate the jar itself. As you go through the year, remember to fill the jar up. Memories that make you happy for example spending a day with a friend or maybe things you are thankful for like having a computer to write a blog...

Hope that you have a great 2016 and that it is filled with memories and thankfulness. Remember, life is full of adventures...

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x