Hey Guys!
It can definitely get a bit stressful after the first week back at school and when everything suddenly just starts to happen again! With loads of homework and rehearsals on top of everything else, just a little bit of time to yourself can be something you really need. So here are 5 ways in which you can de-stress yourselves and have a bit of ME time...
1) Listening to Music
Listening to music can be a great way to get rid of anything that is on your mind, but can also help you move a lot quicker when doing homework.
Sometimes going on to Spotify and going through their genres is a great idea, depending what mood you are in. A 'Focus' playlist is quite a good idea as there are lots of different playlists, all of which are not upbeat, but quite calming.
2) Reading a Book
Reading a book can help you get away from everything and put your mind in to something completely different.
At the moment, I am slowly but surely getting through 'All the Bright Places' by Jennifer Niven. So far, it is a great book and really captures the audience, but you really have to put your mind to it. Although I read quite slowly, I am still able to engage in the book and de-stress.
3) Having a Lush Bath
A Lush bath is a great way to calm down and help your skin.
By swirling around a reusable bubble bar, you are able to create lots of bubbles that are soft and kind to your skin. These bubbles also help you to relax and just have a bit of time to yourself.
4) Watching YouTube
Watching YouTube can help you to relax as any youtuber is sure to have a little video to keep you going.
Zoella is a personal favourite of mine, and does some great videos that are calming and interesting. Her personality is just so great! However other youtubers are still as good.
5) Colouring
Bringing out colouring pencils and a colouring book can be a great way to de-stress
instead of sitting in front of a screen!
Recently, the craze for these has been amazing! So I bought an issue of 'Relax With Art'. Although it requires quite a bit of concentration, it is still a great way to sit and have some fun.
I hope some of these ideas will help and that you have a great. de-stressful week!
Imagine Creativeness
Emily x
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