Hey Guys!
So today I thought I would do something a bit different. I have never tried an A-Z before, and as I was looking for ideas, this came up. I thought it would be something fun and a bit of a different idea to what we have done before. Let me know if you enjoy this sort of thing and if there are other topics I can do this on. Here is my A-Z list of living life...
Aim High! - If you aim high, you can achieve some great things in your life that you can be proud of.
Be yourself - Everyone likes you for who you are, don't change you or your personality.
Carry on with things that make you happy - Happy things make you happy, which makes everybody else happy to!
Don't worry about the little things - These can stress you out, but don't worry about them and leave them in the past.
Explore - Your life is yours to explore, do what you want with it.
Friendship is key - Having lots of friends can make the environment around you stronger and more enjoyable.
Give help - If others are in need of help, don't be afraid to help them or to lend a hand.
Have fun! - This is the top and probably one of the most important. If you aren't having fun, then your life will be a bit boring to be honest, and you won't see the fun side in anything.
Imagination - Imagine what your life might be like in a few years time, and aim for that.
Joke Around - A few jokes aren't going to hurt you, let yourself lose and have a joke around with your friends.
Keep Calm - Try to stay calm through the tough things. It makes life a whole lot easier.
Laugh - Laughing is always better than crying. Why not give it a go!
Manage your time - It can be hard to fit everything in, but time is essential to manage.
Never say Never - It's so easy to say No, but sometimes saying yes is the best option.
Observe - Looking at things around you can make you seem more wide-eyed and observative.
Positive before Negative - Positive thoughts can make a positive environment, affecting you and those around you in a good, positive way.
Questions - Always asking questions means you are an inquisitive person and want to find out more. Don't be sacred to ask questions, they are a good thing.
Rest - Although you might not seem tired, rest is always a good thing as it helps you to calm down and feel refreshed.
Stay Healthy - Whether this is eating or exercise or something else, being healthy can make you feel happier or better.
Take Opportunities - New things are sometimes hard, however opportunities aren't always there. They are there for you to take.
Understand everything - If you are unsure about something, make sure you ask so that you know what is going on in your life.
Vary things - Have a go at new things and have a change for a while. See if you like it or not?
Write - Take notes of anything that is getting to you or memories. Put them in a jar and come back to them later in the year to see if something has changed.
Xpress yourself - I know it's meant to be express, but this is a hard one to come up with. Express yourself no matter what you feel like. Do it in a way you enjoy and a way that makes you you.
Your life is worth it - Now life can be hard sometime, but you are worth every part, as is your life.
Zoom - Zoom into parts that you are unsure about and take a deeper look at them.
Let me know if you like this sort of post and if you would like me to do more like these.
Imagine Creativeness
Emily x
Really liked this post em x
Thank you Abi x