Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Happiness is Doodling

Hey Guys!

Hope that you have all had a good week - I'm so glad that it is the half term soon. When I last did a Quote for the Week post I used a drawing that I had done for Graphics as part of that post. I decided since I did another one as a front cover for my portfolio, I decided I would share it but put a quote to it again. 

 I love drawing, however I am not very good at drawing the useful things, like people for example. I would love to try one day to get better, however I love to doodle, or copy pictures that I can draw. Recently I have been doodling a lot more and decided to add it to this picture, which took forever, but I think was worth it!

The definition of doodling in the dictionary is:
- A scribble absent-mindedly,
- A rough drawing made absent-mindedly.

However someone said that the real definition is:
- To make spontaneous marks to help yourself think. 

Doodling is spontaneous and should be spontaneous. It helps you to create and think, which is why I enjoy it.

If it's something that makes you happy or distracts you from other things, do it. Let the pen take you on a walk and lead it where it wants you to go. If you stick to it, something amazing will come out at the end and will make you feel proud of what you've done. 

This was a slightly different quote post however it was quite an expressive way to do it. 

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x

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