Wednesday 31 August 2016

Two weeks in Portugal!

Hey Guys!

Hope you have all had a good summer holiday so far - I can't quite believe how quick it has gone. We are going back to school in a week! Although it has flown by, I have managed to do lots of fun things as well as having a relaxing holiday in the north of Portugal for two weeks. We went to a little place called São Martinho do Porto which is just off the coast. It was my second time there and had lots of fun visiting places, as well as taking lots of pictures.

We visited many places - some of which we had visited before, some which were new. This gave me the opportunity to take some interesting shots out and about and on the plane too. Some of these pictures are my Dad's however quite a few are mine too.

I only took two pictures on the plane on the way there as the weather wasn't amazing, however on the way back the view was stunning. As we left quite early in the morning it meant that we saw the sunrise and had the chance to take some pictures of the sun rising in a bright blue sky. The clouds were also so pretty. Just views you can't get down here!

Hope you like this sort of post? Let me know if any of you have ever been to Portugal before!

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x

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