Wednesday 9 November 2016

Sparkler Fun!

Hey Guys!

Seeing as it has just been bonfire/fireworks night, I decided that I would share with you what I did. I have never been one to do much or even to go to a display, but this year, we decided we were going to buy sparklers. I love these cause you can have so much fun creating pictures and exploring, and the light is so pretty. This year (credits to my Dad) I got some amazing pictures that I thought I would share with you - so this is going to be quite a short blogpost! So here are some of the pictures I experimented with and had a lot of fun taking!

Let me know what sort of things you do on firework night - do you do sparklers or visit a firework show? Or even just snuggle up and have hot chocolate? I loved taking these pictures, and sparklers will forever be my favourite thing to do on bonfire night!

Imagine Creativeness

Emily x

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